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Principal's Message

Principal's Message

Dear University Place Primary Families,

On behalf of our staff, welcome to the 2023-24 school year at University Place Primary. We are thrilled to be able to serve our UPP students and community. Our outstanding staff is committed to providing an exceptional environment where all students can thrive and grow academically and emotionally.

Our school is serving approximately 500 students in kindergarten to fourth grade. Our core educational beliefs are grounded in team collaboration, providing every student with access to a rigorous guaranteed and viable curriculum, using data to inform our strong instructional practices, and engaging students in their academic growth. Our UPP staff is committed to the success and growth of every student, therefore it is integral that we hold high expectations and accountability for ongoing student achievement.

At UPP, we are also committed to providing students with a safe and positive learning environment where all students are honored and valued. As a school, we focus on and teach to our three UPP Promises: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Safe. These school-wide expectations are taught and used in classrooms and in shared spaces around the school. By establishing these clear expectations, we aim to acknowledge and celebrate all students’ positive behaviors and choices.

I look forward to partnering with families. As you are your student’s first teachers, I appreciate and encourage you to collaborate on the academic and emotional success of your student. Another avenue of supporting our school is considering to join our wonderful PTSA.

Please take a few moments to familiarize yourselves with our school website. It will include important information and updates. I can be reached at or 253.566.5620 if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you and I look forward to an amazing year at UPP.

All the best,

Christina Oliver

Principal, University Place Primary

253.566.5620 |

Christina Oliver